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Author's thesis statement: For my thesis I intended to make a 30 second animated short film that acts as a fake trailer, which explores a narrative and leaves the viewer with questions. I decided to use a pre-existing idea of mine, so that I could go straight into production and skip pre-production. This would allow me more time for the animation, which I knew was going to take the greatest amount of work. I knew that from my previous work on the APSU student film Nightcrawling, 6 shots worth of animation was manageable for me, as I had to balance that work with all of my other classes. Thus, Knightcat was going to have around that many shots. Knowing my constraints, I cut the film down to my favorite part: the climax. This section is where Knightcat confronts the dragon, doubts themself, and then finally decides to spring into action. This project is a bit of an allegory for finding confidence in one’s skills.