Felix Navarro2022-01-132022-01-132021-12http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11989/10166Author's artist statement: I like dragons. I think about them a lot. My interest in the mythological and wild stories of fantasy has driven me to the fiction section of many a library, and the same applies to my illustrations. While I am interested in pursuing a career in packaging and editorial illustration, I am not interesting in creating just any imagery – I want to bring the odd and intriguing qualities of a fantasy novel cover to places as mundane and typical as grocery store shelves. Many illustrators, though successful, can get stuck with a network of job offers from clients who expect different work from what the illustrator prefers to make because their portfolio is full of work for jobs they weren’t really interested in. I have three main goals for this exhibition, the first being able to create illustrations that allow a consumer to ponder the narrative of the figures, but not be disturbed by them. One of the challenges going into this was designing images that are unique, but that still fell somewhere between what you expect on a tea box and an image that you’d find on a fantasy novel. The second goal is to create a product that a company like Stash would like to see put on a shelf. Or, more realistically, to create a portfolio that allows clients to know what expect from my future work. This, again, means that the imagery needs to be suitable for the product. The third and final goal for this exhibition is to have fun. That’s a lie; sitting at a desk for hours is not always fun. However, I want to be able to sit back at the end of the day and like what I’ve done, and for that, I need a portfolio that will attract employers who share my enthusiasm with the mythological. And dragons of course.Here's the Tea