Dorothy Dix Collection

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As the forerunner of today's popular advice columnists, Elizabeth Meriwether Gilmer (1861-1951), writing under the pen name "Dorothy Dix," was America's highest paid and most widely read female journalist at the time of her death. Her advice on love and marriage was syndicated in newspapers around the world. One of her most famous columns was her Dictates for a Happy Life. With an estimated audience of 60 million readers, she became a popular and recognized figure on her travels abroad.

The Dorothy Dix Collection at Austin Peay State University is probably the most comprehensive collection on Dorothy Dix. It consists of biographical information on Dix; correspondence between her and relatives, friends and professional colleagues; scrapbooks from her school days; 40th anniversary as a columnist; an autograph book; travel diaries, memorabilia and passport; newspaper articles, magazine clippings; Christmas cards/article; Mirandy articles; demise of Dorothy Dix; pamphlet/booklet/miscellaneous; administration of Dorothy Dix Collection; product testimonial; honors, awards, family; books from Dorothy Dix's library, and papers from the 1991 Dorothy Dix Symposium. All books written by and about her are available in print at Austin Peay State University.
